“Success is a journey, is not an end or a clear state…“

says Arnaud Barthelemy.

„…it’s being satisfied enough with what you currently have, but you still want to reach that next level,

you want a little bit more and you are willing to set those objectives define the path to get there putting in the effort to get there and then hopefully getting there.Then just repeating that pattern.”

This statement summarizes our conversation very briefly. But of course, we covered much more like cultural differences between continents and corporates, new perspectives and how important it is to focus on the relationships and motives i.e. rather the HOW than the WHAT is being said.

Arnaud also shared his idea of deconstructing the challenge instead of just seeing the challenge.

So, what is it you you? What comes next for you?

Let us know either here in the comments, via LinkedIn or eMail einfach-erfolgreich@sandschneider.de

The Audio book Arnaud was speaking about:
Train Your Brain Like an Olympian: Gold Medal Techniques to Unleash Your Potential at Work https://amzn.eu/d/6cgWgnY

Arnaud Barthelemy – Success is a journey

Einfach Erfolgreich - Inspirationen und Erfolgsgeschichten für alle, die etwas bewegen wollen
Einfach Erfolgreich - Inspirationen und Erfolgsgeschichten für alle, die etwas bewegen wollen
Arnaud Barthelemy – Success is a journey


“Success is a journey, is not an end or a clear state…“

says Arnaud Barthelemy.

„…it’s being satisfied enough with what you currently have, but you still want to reach that next level,

you want a little bit more and you are willing to set those objectives define the path to get there putting in the effort to get there and then hopefully getting there.Then just repeating that pattern.”

This statement summarizes our conversation very briefly. But of course, we covered much more like cultural differences between continents and corporates, new perspectives and how important it is to focus on the relationships and motives i.e. rather the HOW than the WHAT is being said.

Arnaud also shared his idea of deconstructing the challenge instead of just seeing the challenge.

So, what is it you you? What comes next for you?

Let us know either here in the comments, via LinkedIn or eMail einfach-erfolgreich@sandschneider.de

The Audio book Arnaud was speaking about:
Train Your Brain Like an Olympian: Gold Medal Techniques to Unleash Your Potential at Work https://amzn.eu/d/6cgWgnY

Abonieren bei

Arnaud Barthelemy

Head of Global Marketing at Swiss Re 

Arnaud is an experienced marketing leader with over 15 years of international experience working for B2B technology companies. He is skilled in and passionate about strategy and innovation, marketing operations, product development, strategic planning, and competitive analysis. 

As a marketing leader, Arnaud enjoys creating and developing marketing teams, building and expanding brand/product recognition, planning and implementing short and long-term strategies, generating quality leads for sales teams, accelerating value creation through new product development, partnerships, acquisitions, and process optimization for software companies. 


He values continuous learning through professional and executive education, as well as certification programs. As an excellent communicator and an interested leader, Arnaud enjoys brainstorming and creating an innovative environment that generates outstanding ideas or, at the very least, a funny moment. Usually, it’s both. 

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Über den Podcast

Der Podcast für Menschen-Menschen mit Inspirationen, besonderen Perspektiven auf die alltäglichen Dinge und gelungenen Gesprächen für ein einfach erfolgreiches Leben, das Spaß macht und Dinge in Bewegung bringt. Hajo beschäftigt sich seit über 20 Jahren mit Leadership und moderner Führung. Er unterstützt Firmen, Führungskräfte und Teams dabei, wirklich wirksam Resultate zu schaffen und sich nicht bloß beschäftigt zu halten. Inspiriert von den Erkenntnissen, Modellen und Weisheiten von Simon Sinek, Fredmund Malik, Reinhard Sprenger, Olaf Kapinski, Bernd Geropp, Tony Robins und Marc A. Pletzer


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